
TutterflyCRM Contacts feature essential information on business relations. You can both access and restrict access to contact info on your clients from this tab. Discover a smarter way to manage contacts and use them for best business growth!

How to Create a Contact?

Want to create a contacts record? Click here to find out the key steps in saving contact details on TutterflyCRM.

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How to Edit an Existing Contact?

Making Edits in Contacts should be a simple task. We’ve thought of that and this guide will tell you how easy it can be.

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How to Manage Views in Contacts?

Views can help you manage your Contacts directory more easily. Here is a list of all the steps that will help you acquire custom Views and work smarter!

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How to Access Contacts Information?

Contacts are not just a one-look directory. You can find all kinds of key details by using the following steps to access them.

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How to Work on the Activity Section in Contacts?

Activity Section is a one-stop solution for sending emails, call logging and task management. Find out how to work it here.

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How to Send Bulk Emails in Contacts Section?

There can be emails that need to be sent to all Contacts. This can be done in a few steps mentioned here.

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