Find out exactly how to create a Lead by following the steps below:

What are Leads?

Leads are business prospects whose probability of conversion is 50-50. Once these Leads mature, we record them as part of accounts and contacts. TutterflyCRM considers the Lead’s first name as a contact and Lead’s source company as an account.

 Create New Leads

Step 1: Go to ‘Leads’ and click on ‘+New’ button.

Step 2: Fill in all the details. The ‘Last Name’, ‘Company’ and ‘Lead Status’ are important fields.

Lead Status

Lead status is the terminology used to identify each Lead uniquely based on the progress it has made with your company. This shows the current running stage of a Lead.

Contacted: This implies that the team has just contacted a potential Lead.

Open: This is the stage after contacting, and this shows that the company is communicating with the Lead.

Qualified: This shows that the Lead has matured and turned into a business for the organization.

Unqualified: This shows that ongoing communication has not worked out, and we now consider the Lead defunct.  

Note: While typing in Address Information text box, suggestions will appear. Use them to auto-complete the address section.

Step 3: This is the last one! Once you have filled in all the parameters, click on the ‘Add’ button to add a new Lead into TutterflyCRM. A message box will appear as shown in the image below: