Person Accounts

There are individuals who do not associate themselves with any travel or tourism company and directly deal with end-customer to bring business. We can store their information in a separate module known as ‘Person Account’. In a travel company, it can contain information about end-customers who do not align themselves with any travel agency. Person Account can also mean tour operators who directly deal with our company without going through any agency.

How to Create a New Person Account?

Create Person Accounts in a few simple steps! Get all your business relations in one place!

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How to Edit an Existing Person Account?

Make fast edits to a Person Account. These steps will show you how!

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How to Manage Views in the Person Account?

Views can help manage Person Accounts easily! Here are the steps to make custom Views!

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How to Access the ‘Related’ and ‘Details’ Tab in Person Accounts?

TutterflyCRM stores all related information with Person Accounts. Get the information access you need in the steps mentioned here!

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How to Use the ‘Activity’ Section?

Use the ‘Activity’ tab and get working the smart way! Find out how to use this TutterflyCRM segment here!

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