How to Create a New Person Account?

Start getting big business from your Person Accounts on TutterflyCRM. Learn how to make these below:

What is Person Accounts?

Person Accounts are the individuals who directly interact with our business to get tour packages without linking to any agency.  We can also consider them as contacts in many situations.

Create a New Person Account

Step 1: Go to ‘Person Accounts’ section in TutterflyCRM and click on ‘+New’ button.


Step 2: A window will appear to add a new Person Account. Fill in all the details.

Note: The ‘Last Name’ field is essential to mention.

Note: When you write in something in the billing address field, you will get automatic suggestions. make use of them!

Step 3: Great! We are almost at the end. Now, click on the ‘Add’ button to add a Person Account into the system.

Step 4: Finally! A message box will appear as shown in the image below: