How to Manage Views in Tasks?

Table View

Once you have data in TutterflyCRM, you need to be able to view it! Check out these different ways to manage your data.

Create a New View in Tasks

Step 1: Click on the Tasks >> Views >> Table>> Settings >> New

Step 2: It will display a window that will look like the image below:

 Step 3: This is the ‘List-Name’ and choose display settings.
Only I can see this List-View: Only the logged in user can access this View.

All users can see this List-View: All users can access this View.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Add’ button. A message box will appear indicating that a new View has been created.

Change the Sharing Setting

In TutterflyCRM, a user can control access to some parts of the data by using share settings. Listed below are steps to limit other users from accessing important data.

Step 1: Go to Settings >> Sharing Settings. A box will appear like the one shown in this image below:

Step 2: From the ‘Sharing Settings’ box, select the options to set the privacy level.

Only I can see this List-View: Only the logged in user can see this View.

All users can see this List-View: All  users can access this View.

Step 3: Then, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Edit List Filters

Step 1: Go to ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Edit List Filters’. A pop-up will appear in the right-hand corner. Just like the one shown in the window below.

Note: This pop-up can also appear by clicking the filter icon.

Step 3: A user can change visibility settings, click on ‘Show Me’ box. A user has to choose between ‘All Accounts’ and ‘My Accounts’ and click on the ‘Done’ button.

All Accounts: A user can apply a filter to View all the tasks created by the admin and other agents.

My Accounts: A user can apply a filter to a View showing only the tasks created by the user.

Step 4: Congratulations! We are just near the end. Click on ‘Add Filter’ and fill in details such as a field, operator, and value. Next, click on the ‘Done’ button.
Step 5: Finally! Click the ‘Save’ button to save the changes made.

Note: These changes cannot be performed to the default View. A user has to create a new View and implement actions to that View.